The Milele Foundation Uganda works with Uganda’s most vulnerable populations; We aim to empower people and create lasting change. With that mentioned information, We came up with a GO FUND ME account titled MILELE FOUNDATION UGANDA- COVID19 RELIEF to raise funds.
These funds are to help us with food supplies where we are targeting to reach out to a hundred vulnerable families affected by this pandemic , complete our Milele School of Community, where we are going to equip the guardians of our children with skills and the 30% percent remaining to help us cover the operations expenses that have raised from the past months when we are in lockdown.
Will you help provide financial relief for our kids, in an act that we will never forget? Make your impact felt right now, this week. Donate for the children.
Your donation goes directly to our partners at the Richmond-Ermet Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit in the United States. We work with them to provide 100% transfer of the funds to benefit our organization. Thank you for understanding the difficulties of international support.
You can view the breakdown of how our funds will be used by opening this link: and to make a donation now open the following link; Incase you want to partner with Milele Foundation Uganda, email us on Thanks and be blessed.